Friday, April 6, 2012

Strange Place For A King Reloaded

Strange Place for a King

By Joshua Aguilar

I wrote this this past Christmas. Thought I would repost for our Easter season.

A king foretold is coming to our land
A baby born in Bethlehem,
He wasn’t born in a royal home,
But in a manger, not even His own
A Strange Place for a King

This King grew and at his appointed time
He spread His message of the kingdom throughout His land
He came to His own but they received Him not
So He reached out to those who would listen
He sat and ate with the outcast, prostitutes, sinners
He receives them and us for we were His mission
A Strange Place for a King

The time has come for His mission to come to completion
But it wasn’t in a castle or on a Throne His Just position
God and sinners reconciled was His perfect plan
He was nailed to the cross for the redemption of man
A Strange place for a King

2000 years later as we dwell on His birth,
His life, His death, His resurrection and Ascension from earth
This Jesus, this king, the Savior of man
To all who receive Him, in His kingdom they’ll stand
And in this sinner’s heart, His throne will reside
A Strange Place for my King

One day He will come and call us all home
And on that day with an ever grateful heart
I will kneel at His Throne.

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